Archive for the ‘ Web ’ Category

Why Choose Single-Page Applications: Benefits, Features, Use Cases Facebook, Gmail, Netflix — what do they all have in common (besides their popularity)? They are all partially built as single-page applications (SPAs). SPAs are everywhere, and it’s crucial to understand what the main features and benefits of single-page applications are to decide whether it is a [...]

May 06, 2024


Web Application Development Cost: How to Estimate Your Project You plan to build a web application for your business. Getting an estimate of web app development cost is the first step to understanding the resources, time, and budget you will need to allocate for the project. It also helps you define the scope and create [...]

Apr 12, 2024


eLearning Portal Development: 7 Challenges and Solutions The eLearning industry is booming. According to Global Market Insights, it is expected to reach $1 trillion in value by 2032. This might be the best time to invest in edTech, especially eLearning portals, yet this opportunity also comes with some difficulties. If you want to know whether [...]

Apr 09, 2024


Benefits of Customer Self-Service Portal for B2B Businesses A recent survey shows that 66% of manufacturers plan to invest in customer portals in 2024. And this trend is not unique to the manufacturing and eCommerce industry. With the growing competition, more and more companies have decided to invest in a client portal. To explain this [...]

Apr 01, 2024


How to Develop a SaaS App for Healthcare Industry The healthcare sector has undergone a significant transformation after the pandemic. Rising costs, staffing shortages, and data security concerns are among the greatest challenges facing healthcare industry leaders today. However, interest in new technologies is at an all-time height — including SaaS (Software as a Service) [...]

Mar 15, 2024


Legacy Application Modernization: Why, When, and How to Do It Legacy application modernization is a complex and costly initiative. But it is often the only way to future-proof your business and make sure your software helps you grow rather than holds you back. That’s why more and more enterprises have legacy system modernization on their [...]

Feb 26, 2024


How SaaS Integration Improves Your Business Process SaaS integration helps you connect SaaS applications in your organization, creating a seamless workflow and data exchange. But integrating various cloud applications, each with its own data model and format, can be challenging and costly. Especially if you deal with dozens of SaaS products for different functions — [...]

Feb 13, 2024


Best Practices for Your SaaS Product Development The SaaS market is a fierce battleground where simply doing things well isn’t enough to stand out. Following all the SaaS development best practices you can find is like searching for a “press to win” button in a pool of props. And yet, you need to tap into [...]

Feb 05, 2024


How SaaS Outsourcing Can Help You Hit Your Growth Goals SaaS (Software as a Service) economy grows at around 20% each year and shows no signs of stopping. In the wake of the massive shift towards this business model, SaaS outsourcing has become an in-high-demand service among startups and established businesses. In this article, you [...]

Jan 30, 2024


How to Build a SaaS Application: Your Go-To Development Guide Your approach to SaaS application development will determine how fast you can get your product out the door and how much it will cost you. Think of it as one of the pillars for the success of your SaaS. It’s just as important as finding [...]

Jan 12, 2024


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