Archive for the ‘ eHealth ’ Category

Payers are pushing healthcare providers (HCPs) to adopt value-based contracts. Their goal is clear: cut healthcare costs and save money while keeping care standards high. There are no mandatory regulations yet forcing HCPs to accept these contracts. But if providers want to work with top payers and attract more patients, they need to play by the new rules.

Jul 19, 2024


Analyze the current infrastructure. If you’re using an integrated portal, features are typically predefined by the larger system. If you choose standalone healthcare portal development, it’s time to decide whether a custom or off-the-shelf solution best suits your needs.

Jul 02, 2024


Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Best Practices and Benefits The demand for cloud computing in healthcare is growing. Why? Patients, clinicians, and healthcare managers are used to easy access to medical data and digital tools that help their work. Now, with the promises of AI, they expect even more. Keeping all this data and these tools [...]

Jun 25, 2024


How Data-Driven Decision-Making Helps Healthcare Management On the road to data-driven healthcare, the first step is collecting a lot of data. And we’ve been pretty good at it. At present, an average hospital alone produces about 50 petabytes of data per year. How much is that? Well, for comparison, X (formerly Twitter) with half a [...]

Jun 13, 2024


How to Develop a SaaS App for Healthcare Industry The healthcare sector has undergone a significant transformation after the pandemic. Rising costs, staffing shortages, and data security concerns are among the greatest challenges facing healthcare industry leaders today. However, interest in new technologies is at an all-time height — including SaaS (Software as a Service) [...]

Mar 15, 2024


7 Essential Patient Portal Features for Your Product There are patient portal features that drive engagement, features to ensure your patients show up, and features that help you slash operating costs without decreasing the quality of healthcare services. According to the research by Epic Research, the use of patient portals shortens hospital stays by up [...]

Oct 07, 2022


How to Develop a Telemedicine Application: Key Features, Steps and Technologies Pandemic enhanced the role of telehealth in global healthcare and changed the investment and startup environment like no other event or technology. Today, telehealth and telemedicine application development are already associated with big business opportunities that should stay relevant long after the pandemic is [...]

Jul 10, 2021


Patient Engagement Mobile Apps for Pharma The majority (60%) of clinicians and healthcare industry leaders believe effective patient engagement makes a serious impact on the quality of care and can substantially decrease the costs in the system, according to the survey held by NEJM Catalyst. Despite existing barriers in the field, every active participant in [...]

Dec 27, 2020


Benefits of Using Internet of Things (IoT) in the Healthcare Industry Healthcare is one of the most important industries, but due to the complexity, level of responsibility and strict regulations, innovations have to come a long way before they get fully adopted in this domain. However, things have changed since the pandemic has shown the [...]

Jul 26, 2020


Impact of Medical Technology on Healthcare in Times of Pandemic and Beyond Digital transformation in healthcare has never been so urgent before. Pandemic has revealed the weaknesses and unpreparedness of the healthcare systems in many countries across the world. Even the states with well-funded and strong healthcare sector were shocked by the unprecedented influx of [...]

May 20, 2020


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