Internet of Things (IoT) Scholarship Program for Science & Technology Students

Application for Digiteum Internet of Things scholarship program for 2021-2022 year is closed.

Digiteum Internet of Things (IoT) Scholarship Program Results

We are happy to announce the winner of Digiteum IoT Scholarship for the 2021-2022 school years – Jack Worthington. Jack is finishing his Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and plans to use his knowledge and talent to make energy-efficient technologies available to everyone.

Jack’s mature attitude to the power of digital technology, the responsibility associated with it and the choice of the field deeply resonate with our company’s values and goals. Therefore, we have decided to support his further studies and grant our IoT Scholarship to him this year.

We would like to thank all the applicants for joining our program. We have received over 60 applications from brilliant students and went through dozens of forward-looking, value-oriented ideas on how to apply IoT and data science to build a more sustainable and efficient world.

We will continue supporting talented and promising students in the future. Check the official Digiteum Scholarship webpage for updates!


  • (UPDATED) Application for IoT Scholarship program is closed. We announced the results on July 15, 2021. Please, follow this page to learn about the new programs for the upcoming years.
  • $2,000 or £1,600 scholarship for IoT and big data education and internship
  • Money granted for 2021-2022 academic year
  • Awarded to current U.S. and U.K. graduate and undergraduate students
  • Other eligibility requirements apply

Who can apply

The following requirements are applied:

  • The applicant must be a U.S. or U.K. citizen.
  • The applicant is either an undergraduate or a graduate student of one of the U.S.- or U.K.-based colleges or universities.
  • The applicant studies engineering and computer science or currently undertakes a relevant internship.
  • The applicant is able to provide a short (350 words) Internet of Things essay together with the application form.

Application process

(UPDATED) Application for 2021-2022 scholarship program is closed. This is an annual program, so it is planned to be renewed for the next academic year. Please, follow this page to learn about the new programs for the upcoming years.

Applying for the annual Digiteum scholarship is easy. You just need to fill in the form and submit it before the due date. We review the applications of the eligible candidates who apply before the due date and announce the winner usually in a month after the application period is closed. Check the HOW WE AWARD section for more details.

Results were announced on July 15, 2021

How we award

We take the reviewing process seriously but not without imagination and creative approach. Therefore, we expect the same from you.

First of all, we study each applicant’s profile carefully, so make sure all the information you put is correct and verifiable.

Secondly, we really dwell on your essay. We analyze your goals, achievements, interests and ideas and try to single out the candidates who, in our view, have the best potential in the field of Internet of Things and Big Data. Thus, we’ll understand who deserves our IoT scholarships the most.

Results were announced on July 15, 2021 (UPDATED). We will award the scholarship within the next month following the announcement.

Why we believe this matters

Internet of Things is one of the most promising areas today. At Digiteum, we believe IoT will determine how things in almost every industry will work in the future. Having solid experience in IoT design and development, we understand the importance of bringing up the new generation of talent — engineers, architects, analysts — for the benefit of IoT evolution. We ourselves have to address the challenges of IoT every single day, we learn and we grow. This is why we bank on the clever investment in talent and education to make sure Internet of Things rises thanks to highly-qualified forward-looking professionals.

Finding the area you are passionate about may come easy. Finding grants or other resources to fund your education is a whole other thing. Different college scholarships for Internet of Things and Digiteum IoT scholarship, in particular, can make your dream come true.

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